We are The Town of Huntington Opioid & Addiction Task Force, dedicated to raising awareness, reducing stigma, fostering connections, and promoting vital conversations about substance use and mental health. Hope and healing are at the heart of our efforts. We believe in the power of hope to inspire recovery and the importance of healing to rebuild lives. Together, we can nurture resilience, promote successful recovery, and make a meaningful difference in the lives of those affected."

Through a strong community foundation that fosters compassion and understanding, hope and healing is possible. Through a strong community hope heals - TOH Supervisor Edmund J. Smyth

Family is the single most important thing in our lives - NYS Senator Mario R. Mattera 2nd District

Hope is a waking dream - Aristotle/ Legislator Leslie Kennedy

“Becoming you” includes both the joy and the privilege of learning to recognize the marvelous differences that exist in those around you. “Becoming you” also frees you to reach your potential, using the talents God has given you - Elie Wiesel

Unconditional love, forgiveness, and commitment are inseparable on our journey to becoming the best versions of ourselves. -Town of Huntington Councilman, Salvatore Ferro

The road to health and wellness begins with your determination to live the life you deserve. You are so much more than your addiction. Any fear or self-doubt you may feel is just the alcohol and/or drugs trying to maintain their hold on you. Make the choice to get better and don't hesitate to lean on others along the way. - Raymond A. Tierney

Through a strong community foundation that fosters compassion and understanding, hope and healing is possible. Through a strong community hope heals - TOH Supervisor Edmund J. Smyth Family is the single most important thing in our lives - NYS Senator Mario R. Mattera 2nd District Hope is a waking dream - Aristotle/ Legislator Leslie Kennedy “Becoming you” includes both the joy and the privilege of learning to recognize the marvelous differences that exist in those around you. “Becoming you” also frees you to reach your potential, using the talents God has given you - Elie Wiesel Unconditional love, forgiveness, and commitment are inseparable on our journey to becoming the best versions of ourselves. -Town of Huntington Councilman, Salvatore Ferro The road to health and wellness begins with your determination to live the life you deserve. You are so much more than your addiction. Any fear or self-doubt you may feel is just the alcohol and/or drugs trying to maintain their hold on you. Make the choice to get better and don't hesitate to lean on others along the way. - Raymond A. Tierney

Embrace the power of Hope and Healing

Current Event: September 14th- Join us!

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Join us for The Annual Wellness Walk and the Installation of The Hope and Healing Sculpture Exhibit.

September 14th


Heckscher Park, Huntington

Find it on the map >

The Task Force along with local artist Susan Buroker combined forces to inspire hope and healing within our community through sculpture. Susan Buroker stated- “Rooted in the symbolism of the Phoenix, the sculpture aims to serve as a focal point for individuals seeking inspiration, encouragement, and connection.” The Phoenix will be created in stainless steel and will be 13 ft tall and 8 ft wide at the wingspan. The thematic core revolves around the collection and presentation of recovery messages- narratives sourced from over 100 individuals, either in recovery, those who have lost loved ones to addiction, or those dealing with addiction within their social circles. The base will feature these messages waterjet cut into them. “The essence of Hope and Healing lies in fostering an enduring relationship with society, providing a communal space for motivation, camaraderie, and solace” said Susan. Attendees can also enjoy free music, food, and access to various resources!

Learn more about our resources >

“Where art overcomes barriers and can be the connection that builds bridges and transforms thinking”

The newly landscaped area in Heckscher Park will become a place where the essence of ‘Hope and Healing’ can provide a communal space to foster connection within the community.

Read all of our messages from the community:

Join us on this journey as we inspire the next generation to live an informative and healthy lifestyle!

  • Hope is for each one of us to have peace, love for ourselves and one another, and open hearts with kindness, compassion, forgiveness, tenderness and happiness, not isolating but growing in unity and let it begin with me

    Paulette Phillippe

  • As long as the sun rises at dawn and sets at dusk, hope is always on the horizon. Never lose hope for a better tomorrow

    Matt C.

  • Hope is jumping over the fire. Faith is walking through it. Carry that strength with you and know that everything you touch, turns to gold. It starts with choosing different and loving yourself. I love you

    Melanie Smith

  • Always shine above the stars!

    Kate Seeley

  • Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.


  • Hold your face up to the LIGHT, even if for the moment you do not see

    Jo Harrison

  • With hope comes healing

    Mary Silberstein

  • Once you choose hope, anything is possible


  • Never give up!

    Chris K.


    Josh M.

  • Hope is a walking dream. Success is not the key to happiness


  • You are born a star. Always be positive in life You are born a star. Always be positive in life

    Kate Seeley

  • You are your own destiny, so decide to be happy


  • Hope fuels resiliency. Keep moving forward

    Donny Schuler

  • Hope is the one thing that can get us through the darkest of times. You got this!

    The Beat Lives On - Joy Neumann

  • Day by day, step by step, minute by minute, we can heal


  • The journey of a thousand miles begins with just one step


  • Embrace the pain! That is the old you dying


  • Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness around you


  • You are not the lies that mental illness tries to get you to believe. It’s ok to ask for HELP. It takes more courage to reach out than to not. You are worth this fight. You are so very loved. You are precious. Your mess will become your message. One moment at a time. Don’t give up!! Praying for all of you everyday, God knows

    Randi Frazer

  • In the midst of the struggle, remember that your story is still being written, and you have the power to shape its direction. Even when it feels like the weight of addiction is too heavy to bear, know that there’s a RESILIENT spirit within you capable of reclaiming your life and finding joy in every step of the journey

    Rachael Barone

  • Keep going Keep pushing Keep smiling

    Chanell Smiley

  • The road to health and wellness begins with your determination to live the life you deserve. You are so much more than your addiction. Any fear or self-doubt you may feel is just the alcohol and/or drugs trying to maintain their hold on you. Make the choice to get better and don’t hesitate to lean on others along the way

    Raymond A. Tierney

  • Everyone is worthy of LOVE and RESPECT. You are braver than you think, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you believe


  • Losing you to a fatal overdose has been one of the hardest things I’d endured. But it couldn’t have been harder than your every day fight against your addiction. I’ve witnessed your STRENGTH every day to overcome your struggles, and despite how low you felt, you’ve inspired me to keep fighting. If only you could see yourself through my eyes. I miss you every day! I love you! My hero.


  • May the moon and the stars all lend you your light, as you sail away through the sea of night. The night is quite wide when the sea is inside it, so ride the right waves as you brave the night sea.There are far away shores to EXPLORE and DISCOVER. Go. Discover them. I will wait here for you to return with the morning. Bring me the story of all that you see. Goodnight. Sweet dreams.

    Dedicated to David Portmore

  • May the light of God shine on you and give you strength


  • I love you to the moon and back


  • There is always light when it is dark


  • Addiction is far too powerful for anyone to defeat alone. But together one day at a time, we can beat it down

    Matthew Perry

  • Don’t be afraid of change when needed, or to stand your ground when required


  • No one gets through life alone reach out for support

    HALI Community

  • Your final chapter is not the end but in fact it’s the beginning of a new life, a new you, a sober you, Life is Good, so be gentle and kind to yourself, Always remember one day at a time, one foot in front of the other. Always water the grass and smell the roses

    Dominique Alleng

  • On the Wings of Hope we are stronger together


  • Let your heart lead, let your faith guide you, let the light carry you and let those around you lift you

    Chris Kelly

  • Speak your truth, we are overcomed by the words of our testimony, so speak your truth and allow it to set you free. In your freedom there is peace, joy, and hope for another day


  • Always remember, you are enough


  • You are better than the voices in your head


  • With God everything is possible


  • You are not your past


  • If you can believe it, you can achieve it

    BCD Clarke

  • Bradley Cooper credits a friend who took the risk of having a hard conversation with him that put him on the path of deciding to change his life

  • Suffering with your impulses is hard, but we will OVERCOME it!


  • You must be the change you wish to see in the world


  • The next generation should be sober because it’s helped me realize my full potential. I only wish I started sobriety sooner. I feel like I missed out on so much


  • Love yourself through the process. You are amazing

    Coach DJ

  • Your WARMTH, your love, your consistency and above all your real try at believing in me has made all the difference


  • Don’t ever hesitate to lean on friends during your dark times. They are the people who will get you through to the other side

    Carole Trottere

  • Take care of yourself, family and friends


  • Love yourself


  • We do this together! All of it, the pain, the joy, the loss, the moments. What we once felt we walked through individually, we now know there were countless others walking around us, strangers we did not know who prayed for us, hoped for us, and set a path we could one day walk upon. Together, the only way it has ever been

    Kym Laube

  • Finding your purpose by helping others find theirs

    Kathy Koenigadol

  • Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall


  • The only thing we have to fear is fear itself


  • It’s the person who has done nothing who is sure nothing can be done

    Patrick Ewing

  • We find hope and strength in each other even when we can’t find it within


  • The light of your spirit OUTSHINES all of the darkness in the world


  • You are not your past


  • Life is not always the party we hope it would be, but it’s beautiful nonetheless


  • In honor of my “she-ro” Sharon Richmond... Who is proof there are angels on Earth representing the angels in heaven


  • Your journey of healing is worth every effort

    Micheal Lei

  • Never stop trying, always look ahead


  • Recovery is possible, you are stronger than you may think, don’t give up No God, no peace, Know God and Know peace

    Anthony Rizzuto, 30 years sober

  • Every step towards recovery is a courageous journey towards a brighter, healthier future filled with possibility and inner strength. Finding support and connection within a caring community can empower you on your path to healing, reminding you that you’re never alone in your journey

    Dave Weber Jr.

  • I know the road you walked was anything but easy. You picked up your share of scars along the way. Oh, but now you’re standing in the sun. You’ve fought your fight and your race is run. The pain is all a million miles away

    Patti Bergbuchler

  • Believe you can do it, because you can. You have it all within you


  • God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; Courage to change the things I can; And wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time; Enjoying one moment at a time; Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace; Taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it; Trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His will; So that I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with Him forever and ever in the next

    Ron Starrantino

  • It’s always darkest before the dawn. Keep going


  • Success requires pivots

    Crystal Santandrea

  • Control what you can control there are great days ahead


  • The cure for anything is salt water- tears, sweat, or the sea

    Isak Dinesen

  • Never quit and always play big

    Todd Miranda

  • HOPE is the LIGHT in your heart that gives COURAGE today and strength tomorrow

    Barbara Posillico

  • Recovery is possible, and you’re not alone. Every step is a victory to celebrate. Keep believing in yourself, and seek support. You have the strength within to overcome this challenge


  • Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; Do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go

    Joshua 1:9

  • Do not doubt your strength, even at your weakest moments. You are more than negative thoughts, you are strength, happiness, positivity, and beauty. Embrace it


  • I am not defined by relapses, but by my decision to remain in recovery despite them


  • Never stop believing in yourself

    George Philipou

  • Always think positive and follow your dreams


  • Recovery isn’t always a linear process. Don’t let speed bumps discourage you from reaching your goal!


  • You never know how strong you really are until you have no other choice


  • It’s worth the struggle. Life is worth living, so live it big

    Jose Vargas

  • Always take the time for yourself to breathe


  • Be strong you got this!


  • Greatest son and brother of all time!

    Colin M. Gilmartin- The GOAT

  • Whatever brings you down, will eventually make you stronger. There's really no secret to success. You make your own success.


  • The sun will come up tomorrow


  • Look for at least ONE positive moment each day




  • The only constant is change, embrace yours


  • With God, all things are possible


  • Reach for the stars, you can do it!


  • Hope you have a BEAUTE of a day


  • F.I.N.A.O Failure Is Not An Option


  • One day at a time


  • Actions speak louder than words. BE KIND.


  • Be strong you got this


  • The greatest act is to help someone in their moment of need


  • All things are possible


  • Always look forward, not backwards!


  • You'll find strength by talking to people, staying positive, staying away from negative people and changing your environment


  • Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out


  • Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall


  • Always look forward and think ahead


  • Better days are coming


  • keep moving forward!


  • Believe and succeed


  • Never underestimate the power of positive thinking


  • Remember when children seem to deserve it least, they need your love the most


  • Look back, but don't stare and always keep it moving!


  • With God everything is possible


  • Remember- God loves you- Be proud of who you are


  • Determination and Willpower


  • Don't be afraid of change when needed, or to stand your ground when required


  • Tough times don't last, Simply, left foot, right foot, breathe + repeat


  • There's light at the end of the tunnel! Keep pushing through


  • The sun sets every day, but it will always rise again


  • Always smile more than you cry; Give more than you take; Love more than you hate

    Description goes here
  • You are loveable- God doesn't make junk


  • Do you wanna be right or do you wanna be happy?


  • In the darkest moments remember to always hope for a better tomorrow


  • No matter how bad it is, at least you're not in Cleveland


  • Hold On, Pain Ends


  • Like the wings of a newly emerged butterfly, our flaws will help us fly when they are brought to the sunlight of our acceptance


  • you MATTER


  • Failure only begins when you stop trying


  • The birds who dare to fall are the birds who learn to fly


  • Love sometimes hurts but in the end LOVE will always make you SMILE


  • Always look towards the light


  • Control what you can control, there are great days ahead!


  • Easy does it


  • You're worth it!


  • May the light of God shine on you and give you strength


  • Be kind to yourself


  • Be true to you


  • If you see someone without a smile-give them yours!


  • You are your only competition


  • Do the NEXT right thing




  • Make yourself a priority!


  • Here comes the sun... Don't give up... the sun will come and shine on you


  • Go the extra mile... it's never crowded


  • I pray every day it works!


  • Today it's up to you to create the peacefulness you long for


  • fill your day and thoughts with gratitude


  • beauty begins the moments you decide to be yourself


  • taking care of yourself is a form of acknowledgment that you are a wonderful creation of God


  • create the life you deserve


  • as long as you never give up you can truly never lose


  • make yourself a priority


  • reach for the stars, you can do it


  • Never stop believing in yourself

    George Philipou

  • Never quit & always play big

    Todd Miranda

  • control what you can control, there are great days ahead!!!


  • Never give up!

    Chris K

  • On the wings of hope we are stronger together


  • Let your heart lead, let your faith guide you, let the light carry you and let those around you lift you

    Chris Kelly

  • When I placed my recovery by serving others before self, I was then able to become the person I am today. Walking with one foot in front of the other, you'll be guided through life's challenges

    Jeff S

  • Never underestimate the power of positive thinking


  • Don't ever hesitate to lean on friends during your dark times. They are the people who will get you through to the other side.

    Carole Trottere

  • Find your purpose by helping others find theirs

    Kathy Koenigadol

  • We find hope and strength in each other even when we can't find it within


  • Always look towards the light


  • It's always darkest before the dawn


  • Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work

    Thomas Edison

  • When the work throws curveballs at you, and you strikeout, you're one step closer to your next homerun


  • Remember when children seem to deserve it least, they need your love the most


  • Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out


  • Look for at least ONE positive moment each day


  • "But sometimes when we break the cycle we find something better... something we never dreamed as possible." Never forget that love, strength, and support makes everything possible.

    M & M

  • Whatever brings you down, will eventually make you stronger


  • Sometimes, to see the rainbow you'll have to deal with the rain


  • Remember: There is a reason the rearview mirror is smaller than the windshield- Keep looking ahead & moving forward!

    Mike Gianchetta

  • Actions speak louder than words. BE KIND.


  • The sun sets every day, but it will always rise again


  • Take care of yourself, family, and friends


  • My darkest hours in addiction have turned into a bright shining light, from my forever grateful heart in recovery


  • The only constant is change. Embrace yours.


  • In the land of the blind the one-eyed man is king


  • Fill your day & thoughts with gratitude


  • Finding support and connection within a caring community can empower you on your path to healing, reminding you that you're never alone in your journey

    Dave Weber Jr.

  • your SMILE is your superpower


  • True freedom is the ability, between stimulus and response, to pause and choose.

    Russ Von Frank

  • If we put others first we will lack nothing


  • Be yourself; everyone else is already taken

    Oscar Wilde

  • Laughter is like a windshield wiper, it does not stop the rain but allows us to keep going.

    Barbara Johnson

  • There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in.

    Leonard Cohen

  • When you can't find the sunshine. be the sunshine.

    Barbara Johnson

  • Sometimes the things you can't change end up changing you.

    Barbara Johnson

  • When there is no hope in the future, know that there will always be power in the present.


  • Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.


  • It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light

    Valentina Mazarakis

  • Effort is what's important. Results come second.


  • No one is you, and that's your power.

    Dave Grohl

  • Once you choose hope, anything is possible


  • Hope is jumping over the fire. Faith is walking through it. Carry that strength with you and know that everything you touch turns to gold. It starts with choosing different and loving yourself. I love you.

    Melanie Smith

  • Be a star, get to the top of the mountain for success!

    Robert (Flying Lightning) Avella

  • Inspiration is around every corner

    Jose Blanco

  • Alone, by herself, she built the kingdom that she wanted

    R.H. Sin / Kelle Panzella

  • Dum spiro, spero This is Latin and means, While I breathe, I hope

    Patty Eljaiek

  • Feelings Suppressed, Instead of Expressed, Cause us to Become Depressed

    S.W. Kels

  • Create the life you deserve



    Josh M.

  • Inspire someone else and you will be rewarded!


  • Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness


  • Believe you can do it, because you can. You have it all within you!


  • Success and happiness are not the result of avoiding failure, it is the result of overcoming failure.


  • There is ALWAYS a light at the end of the tunnel


  • Accept love


  • With hope comes healing

    Mary Silberstein

  • And like the moon, we must go through the phases of emptiness to feel full again


  • HOPE fills the cracks of my broken open heart... my saving grace that allows me to gain strength which is transformative in my own healing and growth. Grateful! I am still grateful!

    Lori Carbonaro

  • I wish I could show you when you are lonely and in darkness the astonishing light of your own being.

    Dan Simon/ 14th century Sufi poet, Hafez

  • Hope fills the cracks of my broken open heart... my saving grace that allows me to gain strength which is transformative in my own healing and growth. Grateful I am still grateful!


  • Your life is precious. You are an inspiration to many. You are so very fiercely loved. Your challenges shape you so one day you can help someone else. Your community loves you and needs you to keep going-one step at a time.

    June Margolin, Huntington Matters

  • We can choose to believe in tomorrow.

    Dana E. Ritcher, Huntington Matters

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Our Team Cares Deeply

Our mission is to empower our community with essential informational resources to educate and inform individuals and families in our community. Our team is composed of dedicated community leaders who are passionately committed to raising awareness and creating connections to grow important conversations.